"A logo doesn’t sell, it identifies. A logo derives its meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes." — Paul Rand

The Merchants of Oak Ridge motto, "Business in one with community," reflects the bond shared by a community and its economy. Without one, the other fails.

Merchants of Oak Ridge offers area professionals a platform to support one another and draw from one another’s successes and experiences. It creates opportunities for its members to reach out into their community. It comprises many forces working together for a common goal - growth.

A logo for Merchants of Oak Ridge should celebrate this core value and be able to communicate this concept easily. As accomplished branding guru and corporate logo designer Paul Rand said, a logo identifies an entity and derives its meaning from the quality of that which it symbolizes.



The existing MOR logo (above) offered me a starting point rich with visual ideas. I wanted to simplify it into a versatile image, bold and highly visible across all types of promotional material and digital media.

I began by pulling elements from the existing logo and incorporating other icons that represent the Oak Ridge area (below).


When these icons were presented to the MOR board, we agreed the images were attractive and showed unique features of the Oak Ridge area, but they just didn't have meaning for the association or represent its core values. That is, until I went back to the drawing board and explored how the oak tree and leaf could capture these concepts.



The leaf:

A visible, tangible culmination of all the forces working together within a tree - it shows flourishing success.

The branches:

The branches reach out into the leaf image like veins, illustrating the opportunities Merchants of Oak Ridge members have to reach out into their community and grow together.

The tree:

A healthy tree is strong, stable and in perfect balance. As the leaves synthesize nutrients for the roots, the roots draw nutrients from the soil to feed the leaves. There is a constant, two-way transfer of resources. Similarly, business is at the root of community and fuels it, just as community supports business and gives it a context and purpose.

Other color and design options presented to the board for the new leaf logo

Other color and design options presented to the board for the new leaf logo

Options for the new logotype

Options for the new logotype


Click the images below to see more of my work in branding and logo design for clients in various industries.